Sometimes it is good to know how to shutdown via command prompt commands, you can even remote shutdown any computer in your domain via command prompt. (Start > Run > Cmd)


Shutdown [Type of shutdown (shutdown / restart / log off)] [Force] [Remote Computer] [Time] [Reason] [Comment]

E.g. Shutdown /r /m \\”Computer” /t 30 /c “Test”

(Remote restarting “Computer” in 30 secs, with a comment “Test”) 

To log off your computer

Shutdown /l

To shutdown your computer in 30 secs

Shutdown /s /t 30

To remote restart Computer “PC1” in 30 secs (must be in the same domain)

Shutdown /r /m \\”PC1” /t 30

You can also use a GUI to remote shutdown your computer (must be in the same domain)

In command prompt type: Shutdown /i

  • You can add the list of PC you want to shutdown
  • Select either Shutdown or Restart
  • Set a timer for Shutdown